Tag: Vice President

Explore articles, corporate stories and more featuring Vice Presidents in Supply Chain Outlook, the B2B magazine for the supply chain sector.

How ‘Glocalising’ Supply Chains Can Be the Key to Increasing Resiliency

Kapila Mehta, Sustainability Vice President of Power Products at Schneider Electric, outlines the implications of adapting global products and services to local markets.

Kapila Mehta

Ruan Transportation Management Systems : Transporting the Future

Jeremy Carmichael, Vice President of Operations at Ruan Transportation Management Systems, provides us with a deep dive into how the company has become a leader in the transportation and logistics industry.

DHL Express : Time-Definite Shipments

Chitra Shinde, Vice President of Operations at DHL Express New Zealand, details the division’s operations in the country.

Chitra Shinde

J.D. Irving Limited : Spearheading Logistical Synergy

Founded in 1882, J.D. Irving, Limited has progressed to become a leading logistics provider across North America. Group Vice President, Andrew Fisher, tells us the story of the company’s enduring mission and supply chain expertise.

Scarlett BurkeLucy Pilgrim

Delta Cargo : Moving the World

We speak to Rob Walpole, Vice President of Delta Cargo, about how the company reaches hundreds of destinations and carries thousands of shipments a day while offering first-class operational performance and customer service.

Scarlett BurkeLauren Kania

PACCAR : Women take the Wheel

Putting the pedal to the metal on gender diversity in the North American trucking industry.

Scarlett BurkeRachel Carr

WTC Group : Surmounting Challenge

Jordan Atkins, Vice President at WTC Group, unpacks two decades of industry-leading logistics services and cutting-edge technology.

Scarlett BurkeJack Salter

PACCAR : A New Frontier

Representing the latest in trucking transport in the US. We spoke to Debra Poppas, VP of Global Quality at PACCAR, about the company’s progressive mission to place innovation, sustainability, and people-centric values at the forefront of business

Scarlett BurkeJack Salter